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May 05, 2006

Blair: The Long Goodbye

Local elections in Briton have just produced substantial gains for the Tories (40% over 26% for Labour, who finished third). CW among analysts is that such a showing is a harbinger of things to come: a Tory takeover in the next general election. David Cameron, the 39 year old newly elected leader of the Conservatives, seems to possess all the contemporary qualifications for leadership of a modern democracy: he evades questions about drug use in college, is widely regarded as a political chameleon, is handsome (in that British boy-next-door sort of way), and he actually calls himself a “compassionate conservative.”

Meanwhile, the once-impressive turned Bush-toady, Tony Blair, his government rocked by scandal, reshuffles his cabinet. But the writing’s on the wall.

Posted by stevemack at 07:17 AM | Comments (7396) | TrackBack

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